Tales Of Vesperia Hottie Judith

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 06.24.10 in Anime/Manga

Quite often in my gallery write-ups for High Fantasy Hentai, I mention Judith from Tales Of Vesperia – I tend to use her as a sort of benchmark of hotness when it comes to fantasy anime girls. So I figure that it’s time for me to finally enlighten those of you who still don’t really know who she is, and convert y’all to the dark side of rabid Judy fandom! So here’s a bunch of smoking hot hentai and fanart that I’ve collected of her over the past few months… it’s not from any particular source, but if she strikes your fancy, you should go grab your own copy of Tales Of Vesperia now that it’s nice and cheap… although, if you speak/read Japanese and have a PS3, I’d suggest getting the imported version, since it adds two new party members, new dungeons, and just more game in general – but the English version is still worth buying if that’s not an option, don’t get me wrong! And not just for Judith… it’s a great game!

Love Hina Hentai: Keitaro & Kaolla Su

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 06.18.10 in Anime/Manga

Now that I’m almost caught up on Bleach (I’m on episode 235, only like forty more to go until I’m current!), I’m beginning to expand my anime horizons a bit: yesterday, for example, I watched the first five episodes of Lucky Star, and I’m also starting to watching Persona ~Trinity Soul~ and Durarara!! So maybe someday soon, I won’t be beginning every other post with, “I’ve never watched this anime, but…” – won’t that be exciting? But for now, it’s still the truth: I’ve never seen Love Hina, but I’m going to post this hentai gallery of main character Keitaro Urashima and the island princess Kaolla Su (in her transformed state, of course). Sauce is Radgasm, so as always, go there if you want to see more!

The Beautiful & Lovely Orihime Inoue

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 06.02.10 in Anime/Manga

It’s time for some Orihime Inoue lovin’! I know that Orihime tends to be sort of a polarizing character – lots of people love her, lots of people hate her – but I don’t think that anybody (well, maybe Tosen, since he’s literally blind, and perhaps Ichigo because he MUST be blind to not realize that Orihime’s in love with him) can deny how gorgeous the girl is! Those big, innocent gray eyes… those even bigger boobs… plus her sweet, caring, brave personality makes her a lot of people’s ideal woman. I definitely count myself as an Inoue fan – she’s in my top three, just below Rangiku and Yoruichi – so it was inevitable that I’d make an Orihime-focused gallery one of these days. Ichigo, Rukia, and Ulquiorra all make appearances, but Hime-chan is definitely the star of this show!