With its otaku "heroine" and focus on pretty schoolgirls, the Lucky Star anime & manga series has been called "the ultimate in fan service"... maybe that explains why every guy I forced to watch it with me ended up becoming somewhat addicted to it, even if they weren't normally the anime type? Or maybe it's just because Konata is awesome. Man, just talking about it makes me want to go watch it again! But really, it's a slice-of-life style series that is pretty obviously aimed at men who like looking at cute girls - honestly, to me, the intended audience is embodied in Konata's dad's character - who also happens to be the one playing with Miyuki and Kagami in this gallery. So one could call this HentaiZa gallery of Lucky Star hentai the logical conclusion to the actual series' fan service, right? Minami is in here too, which is awesome, because to me she was the most attractive girl in the series - looking back, she reminds me of the Disappearance version of Yuki Nagato, a bit. Quiet and somewhat stoic but still very cute with an adorable, vulnerable site. And green hair. I always love the characters with green hair, what can I say?