Sorry for not updating yesterday - I've got a lot going on & am really busy. But to make up for my absence, here's a special treat: Tales Of Symphonia hentai! I honestly don't know where to credit most of these images to, I found them floating around the web without any information attached to them (except for the few images you'll see with logos on them - those I assume belong to the websites printed on them, so check out those URLS for more, I guess). But since I've been getting a LOT of requests for Symphonia content, I decided to share some of my favorites. I tried to include as many characters as possible: Raine, Kratos, Lloyd, Zelos, Sheena, Genis, Presea, Regal, and even Tabatha/Martel and Celsius make appearances! So settle back, relax, and enjoy all these kick-ass images of your favorite ToS characters getting naughty!