Boob Blaster: Awesome Flash Game

Posted on 06.01.08 5:16PM under CGI/3D, Hentai Games

The other day, I received this e-mail in response to this post, and I think I may have to concede to the one who identified himself as “Johnny Poo Poo Pants”, because it’s pretty fucking awesome and strangely addicting:

“Dude, no.

this is the best fucking thing ever and its not posted on your site!


be like pew pew pew and dont get titty slapped”

And yes, it’s a flash game where you control a cock and shoot sperm at floating boobies IN SPACE. Each time you miss a certain amount of AWESOME SPACE BOOBAGE, your cock shrinks slightly. If you miss enough, your cock becomes flaccid and the game is over – deeming you “titty slapped”. Aww!

Read on for more screencaps, or just head on over and play Boob Blaster now!

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