Lovely Fantasy Babes From Radgasm
Posted on 06.09.11 10:47PM under Anime/Manga
Okay, so you know what is a pretty terrible time to be writing a gallery description? Probably when you’re doped up on allergy/pain meds and about to fall asleep, all the while blasting the fuck out of Shy Ronnie…. And yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing right now! I dunno, I’m stupid or something. But hey, I found some awesome fantasy hentai in the Radgasm sub-section of hentai/toon megasite Gogo Celeb, and I just had to share. Or something. Man, I am seriously not even aware of how I’m still typing right now!!! So why don’t I go to bed, while you guys enjoy half-naked and hardcore fantasy babes =3
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