Mitsuru Kirijo: P3P’s Redhead Hottie
Posted on 04.18.10 7:07PM under Anime/Manga
When I first played Persona 3, I’d never even so much as touched a Shin Megami Tensei game before and had no idea what to expect. A few hours later, I was completely sold not only on the awesome battle system, but also the strange, sort of dating-sim subplots – and I knew that my incarnation of main character Minato Arisato would DEFINITELY be hooking up with the redheaded hottie classmate, Mitsuru Kirijo. Since she’s a bit of a closet nerd/bookworm, I had to level up my knowledge all the way, but about 2/3 of the way through the game, my character was indeed banging Mitsuru. And if you take a look at these photos, I’m sure you’ll agree that I made the right choice (though technically, I believe that players willing to be a bit craftier and more dedicated to the dating-sim aspects can date ALL the girls at once) – and I can’t wait to do it all over again, not only with new girls, but also playing AS a new female version of the main character, when Persona 3 Portable releases this summer. That’s right, I’m totally using P3P as an excuse to post Mitsuru hentai. I’ll probably do it again when the release date gets closer with Yukari and maybe even Fuuka and Aigis if I can find some stuff with them, so stay tuned!
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