Teen Titans: Naughty Christmas Orgy
Posted on 12.21.11 9:26PM under Comics/Toons
Man, is the cast of Teen Titans ever-expanding, or something? It feels like every time that I make a Teen Titans porn gallery, there are more characters that I don’t recognize and have to look up. This could easily be remedied if I ever remembered to watch the show, but I pretty much have the worst memory ever and I barely even remember to keep up with the shows that I already watch, so… not terribly likely. Anyhow, this time around it’s a Christmas comic celebration, Teen Titans style – featuring Beast Boy and Robin unwrapping their x-rated X-mas gifts… in the form of Starfire, Terra, Jinx, and Blackfire (those last two are the ones that I had to look up, if you were curious). If you want to see the rest of the “festivities” – including appearances from other characters – you can find more at the source, Online SuperHeroes!
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