Final Fantasy 12, Ninja Gaiden & DOA
[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 09.25.08 in Anime/Manga
So, I’m finally delivering the previously promised Final Fantasy 12 hentai (paired with some Ninja Gaiden and Dead Or Alive crossover stuff). This is probably incredibly shameful and surprising, considering how addicted I am to the Tales Of series, but I’ve yet to play any Final Fantasy games. I know! But I have a (somewhat) decent excuse: I was extremely sheltered growing and and thus didn’t get access to any video games, except for when I got to sneak some Super Mario Brothers in at my babysitter’s house, or later when my best friend ended up working at a video game store and would let me mess around on his Playstation from time to time. Said friend finally had enough of my video-game deprived lifestyle and got me a GameCube about two years ago; this led to me stumbling onto Tales Of Symphonia and completely falling in love with the entire series. I purchased a PS2 solely to be able to play Tales Of Legendia & Tales Of The Abyss, and then I somehow ended up with Persona 3: FES, and then Tales Of Vesperia came out… so Final Fantasy just hasn’t quite made it into my Playstation yet (though I have 10 and 12 sitting in my living room right now, waiting for me to finally get around to them).
So yeah. POINT BEING, I totally had to turn around and ask my Final Fantasy fanboy of a boyfriend to identify the people in this gallery; because while I knew that it would be a hit among my readers when I found it in the Gogo Celeb member’s area (yes, I totally have a membership there, and yes, I’m a goody two-shoes and have their permission to post their content on ) due to the influx of search queries I get for FF anything here and on our sister site Tales Of Hentai. But yeah! So I now know that this gallery contains people called Princess Asche and Vaan getting down and dirty in front of an audience of chocobos, as well as Ryu Hyabusa from the Ninja Gaiden series going to town with the girls from Dead Or Alive (a series that neither I nor my boyfriend have any clue about - anyone want to identify the girls for me? I’ll love you forever!) - I haven’t played either of those games either, though Ninja Gaiden 2 is sitting in my GameFly queue. Um, so that was probably way more info about my gaming past than anyone cared to know, and nobody is probably still reading this, but… enjoy the Gogo Celeb goodness, because that site rules SO fucking hard.
Jasmine & Aladdin Are Totally Kinky
[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 09.12.08 in Comics/Toons