Angelina Jolie Sex Comic Sampling
Posted on 07.05.08 11:53PM under Comics/Toons
When it comes to celebrities, you can’t get much more smoking hot & sultry than Angelina Jolie. While she’s proven that she’s got the acting chops to fill out her more dramatic roles, she also knows the value of a good action flick where she can show off her kickass moves and amazing body. Angelina’s incredible good looks and penchant for taking on such cool projects has made her one of the most requested & searched for personalities here at Celebrity Sex Comics - so I’m sure that you’ll all enjoy this sampling of all the various Angelina Jolie sex comics that my good old standby Famous Comics has to offer! You’ll see hardcore sex scenes from movies like Tomb Raider (both the original and the sequel), Mr. & Mrs. Smith, as well as Beowulf! Keep in mind that this gallery is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the vast collection that Famous Comics boasts; there’s much more at their website.
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