Avatar: The Last Airbender Toon Porn

Posted on 01.14.10 1:53PM under Comics/Toons

So, my love of cartoon porn and hentai has given me another show that I should probably watch… while I was making this gallery of Avatar: The Last Airbender hardcore from XL Toons, I went searching for a way to identify the characters and stumbled upon the Avatar wikia… and upon reading it, the show actually sounds pretty interesting, and I’m betting that I’ll probably like Katara the best, since, thanks to the Ferines and Walter Delques, I’m a total sucker for any sort of water magic/people… and being a girl, I always gravitate to female characters. I’ll have to report back after I’ve watched some of this show and tell you guys if I was right, in the form of another Avatar gallery, no? Anyhow, enough about me… the characters featured here are Aang, Katara, Azula, Toph Bei Fong, and Zuko (who also looks kinda cool, I have to say).

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