Tales Of Vesperia Hottie Judith

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 06.24.10 in Anime/Manga

Quite often in my gallery write-ups for High Fantasy Hentai, I mention Judith from Tales Of Vesperia – I tend to use her as a sort of benchmark of hotness when it comes to fantasy anime girls. So I figure that it’s time for me to finally enlighten those of you who still don’t really know who she is, and convert y’all to the dark side of rabid Judy fandom! So here’s a bunch of smoking hot hentai and fanart that I’ve collected of her over the past few months… it’s not from any particular source, but if she strikes your fancy, you should go grab your own copy of Tales Of Vesperia now that it’s nice and cheap… although, if you speak/read Japanese and have a PS3, I’d suggest getting the imported version, since it adds two new party members, new dungeons, and just more game in general – but the English version is still worth buying if that’s not an option, don’t get me wrong! And not just for Judith… it’s a great game!

Love Hina Hentai: Keitaro & Kaolla Su

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 06.18.10 in Anime/Manga

Now that I’m almost caught up on Bleach (I’m on episode 235, only like forty more to go until I’m current!), I’m beginning to expand my anime horizons a bit: yesterday, for example, I watched the first five episodes of Lucky Star, and I’m also starting to watching Persona ~Trinity Soul~ and Durarara!! So maybe someday soon, I won’t be beginning every other post with, “I’ve never watched this anime, but…” – won’t that be exciting? But for now, it’s still the truth: I’ve never seen Love Hina, but I’m going to post this hentai gallery of main character Keitaro Urashima and the island princess Kaolla Su (in her transformed state, of course). Sauce is Radgasm, so as always, go there if you want to see more!

The Beautiful & Lovely Orihime Inoue

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 06.02.10 in Anime/Manga

It’s time for some Orihime Inoue lovin’! I know that Orihime tends to be sort of a polarizing character – lots of people love her, lots of people hate her – but I don’t think that anybody (well, maybe Tosen, since he’s literally blind, and perhaps Ichigo because he MUST be blind to not realize that Orihime’s in love with him) can deny how gorgeous the girl is! Those big, innocent gray eyes… those even bigger boobs… plus her sweet, caring, brave personality makes her a lot of people’s ideal woman. I definitely count myself as an Inoue fan – she’s in my top three, just below Rangiku and Yoruichi – so it was inevitable that I’d make an Orihime-focused gallery one of these days. Ichigo, Rukia, and Ulquiorra all make appearances, but Hime-chan is definitely the star of this show!

The Ladies Of Batman Porn Comics

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 05.27.10 in Comics/Toons

So, the amazing Leandro Comics delivers again – this time with Batman porn comics. I’d like to say that both the pairings in this gallery are totally canon – I mean, Batman and Catwoman are pretty established as a romantic duo, even if they’re not always together. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, though, is a bit more debatable (though there are plenty of people out there who believe that, at the very least, Ivy has some unrequited feelings for our girl Harley). I don’t read enough Batman comics to have much of an opinion beyond the fact that such a pairing would be hot as hell, and that I do think that Ivy legitimately cares for Harley. It’d be interesting if DC decided to try out a lesbian relationship there, or maybe even a threesome with the newest Batwoman, Kate Kane. Because that would be hot as hell, no? Leandro, get on that shit!

Bleach Hardcore Comic Collection

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 05.08.10 in Comics/Toons

One of the calling cards of Drawn Sex is that they do member requests – so I’d like to give a shoutout to whoever asked for more Bleach smut, because it turned out awesome! I’m especially loving the one with Ichigo fucking Soi Fon – I’m totally delayed in the anime (still watching the Captain Amagai arc and wishing that Kenryuu was a permanent character, he’s hot) and the two of them just fought, and I SWEAR there was sexual tension there. Disregarding my inner fanfiction, let’s carry on… this gallery also has Hitsugaya and Momo, Rangiku and some captain (you can’t see his face, but I imagine it’s Gin, of course), Byakuya and Rukia (or hell, it could be Hisana, who can tell the difference?), Renji and Unohana (so THAT’s how she healed him after his fight with Byakuya), Nemu and Izuru, Orihime and Ichigo, and the always-amazing Kukaku (the dude she’s sucking off has pink hair down there, so um… Szayel, maybe, who fucking knows?) – all in all, a good collection. Here’s hoping they add more soon!

LegioComix: Big Tit Cartoon Babes

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 04.22.10 in Comics/Toons

I have a monster headache, so I’m going to remedy the situation the best way that I know how: Tylenol PM, Morinaga Melon Choco Balls (strangely, they taste like bananas), and loads of busty cartoon babes, courtesy of LegioComix, an adult toon website that pretty much specializes in all sorts of big-boobed hotness. I found the site a few weeks back and have gathered what I think is a pretty good sampler of their work. My personal favorite is the bunny girl who looks like she was heavily inspired by Final Fantasy XII’s Fran, as well as the grown-up, lesbian version of the Powerpuff Girls. Lots of good stuff here! I hope that you all enjoy it, and make sure to visit their site & support the artists responsible for such awesomeness!

Mitsuru Kirijo: P3P’s Redhead Hottie

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 04.18.10 in Anime/Manga

When I first played Persona 3, I’d never even so much as touched a Shin Megami Tensei game before and had no idea what to expect. A few hours later, I was completely sold not only on the awesome battle system, but also the strange, sort of dating-sim subplots – and I knew that my incarnation of main character Minato Arisato would DEFINITELY be hooking up with the redheaded hottie classmate, Mitsuru Kirijo. Since she’s a bit of a closet nerd/bookworm, I had to level up my knowledge all the way, but about 2/3 of the way through the game, my character was indeed banging Mitsuru. And if you take a look at these photos, I’m sure you’ll agree that I made the right choice (though technically, I believe that players willing to be a bit craftier and more dedicated to the dating-sim aspects can date ALL the girls at once) – and I can’t wait to do it all over again, not only with new girls, but also playing AS a new female version of the main character, when Persona 3 Portable releases this summer. That’s right, I’m totally using P3P as an excuse to post Mitsuru hentai. I’ll probably do it again when the release date gets closer with Yukari and maybe even Fuuka and Aigis if I can find some stuff with them, so stay tuned!

Sexy Bleach Captain Retsu Unohana

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 04.14.10 in Anime/Manga

I don’t want to spoil anybody, but if you haven’t been keeping up with the manga lately, you should! It’s actually gotten quite interesting lately, with one hell of a twist being revealed in the past two chapters or so. Plus, assuming that Kubo can manage to pause his Aizen Smugfest (seriously, fuck the power of illusions – Aizen’s real superpower is his ridiculous smugness) for a few moments, we might actually get to see Captain Unohana do something other than heal people… maybe. And I mean, that’s long overdue, if you ask me. We’ve been told via other characters that not only is Retsu Unohana considered to be the most beautiful woman in all of Soul Society, she’s also apparently so powerful and terrifying once she decides to fight that nobody will ever dare cross her… so come on, Kubo, show us the goods! I mean, her fighting goods, since her huge boobies and naughty bits are all on proud display in these kinky pictures from Hentai Key and beyond. So uh, yeah.

Summer Glau: Naked Geek Goddess

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 04.05.10 in Comics/Toons

If you don’t know who Summer Glau is, you’ve been missing out on not only one of the hottest up-and-coming actresses in Hollywood, but you’ve also skipped out on badass television series like Firefly or Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Which means you’re either a horrible person with no taste, or you just live under a rock and need to grab those DVD sets or torrents or whatever RIGHT THIS INSTANT to see what you’ve been missing! Summer is pretty much in Eliza Dushku or Sarah Michelle Gellar levels of nerd hotness, what with her tendency to play sexy robot babes or genetically-engineered psychics and so on and so forth, always managing to look gorgeous as hell, even when covered in blood and swinging around a giant scythe or other gigantic weapons. Anyhow, enough of my fangirlish rantings, let’s move on to the really important bits: here’s some naked and hardcore Summer Glau porn, courtesy of the always quality Famous Comics. They know what I like!

Badass Gogo Yubari’s Crazy 88 Orgy

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 03.25.10 in Anime/Manga

I can still remember very clearly the first time that I saw Kill Bill – Volume One – it was opening night, the midnight showing, I’d just gotten off work (I was working as a hostess at the time) and I was ready to see what all the hype was about! I wasn’t disappointed – still, that movie is one of my favorites, and the best part, IMO, was all the stuff in Japan with The Bride going up against O-Ren Ishii, her Crazy 88, and, of course – Gogo Yubari. I fucking loved Gogo – hell, I even have her action figure! So when I saw that Anime Fresh had some Gogo/Crazy 88 orgy hentai, I knew it had to be a gallery… I needed to spread the love, as it were. So, in that spirit, and in honor of Gogo herself… Otanoshimi ni! It sure looks like she is, right?

Avatar Porn With Jake & Neytiri

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 03.05.10 in Comics/Toons

I may have never bothered to go see Avatar – I know, I know, GASP – because I’ve been way to ADD to sit through movies in theatres lately, but as I don’t live under a rock, I’m well aware of what a global phenomenon the movie has become. Shattering box-office records, getting merchandised to hell and back (seriously, click here to look at the results for a search on Amazon for “Avatar” – it’s nuts), spawning new “Na’vi” sets of otherkin and furries and the like, and of course… creating lots and lots of “Rule 34″ requests on Sam Worthington’s Jake Sully and Zoe Saldana’s Neytiri characters. Well, here you guys go: with the help of the artists over at Cartoon Valley, your wishes for plenty of Avatar porn has been granted! So settle in, relax, and enjoy a more “adult” visit to the world of Pandora!

Gorgeous Virtual Asian Teen Cutie

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 03.01.10 in CGI/3D

When your virtual vixens look like actual people, you know you’ve got skills – and since this Asian cutie from 3D Teen Sluts (a brand new site, by the way) looks freaking JUST LIKE this cute South Korean girl that I used to live next door to… I’d say that means that this is some high-quality CGI porn. I’m looking forward to see more of their girls, plus I love that they’re doing more than just the typical white, dollish babes. I mean, those are nice and all, but as a rule I tend to find Asians, Latinas, Greeks, Africans, Middle Easterners, etc hotter than the stereotypical white girl. So let’s hope that this is the start of a sexy new “globally gorgeous” trend in 3D/CGI porn!

Erin Esurance, God Of War, FF7 & More

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 02.28.10 in Anime/Manga, Comics/Toons

If you dig adult parodies of various pop culture phenomenons, you’ll probably love JKR Comics. The artist & his team have drawn x-rated versions of everything from Erin Esurance to the God Of War video games to former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin! I’ve collected a few previews of the sorts of goodies you can expect in their member’s area, trying to show off the range & quality of the artwork that JKR Comix puts out… I mean, I’m impressed. I’m also liking the sly humor that they manage to blend with the sexiness – check out the Esurance panels for a good example, it had me loling. Basically, I really like this guy and the stuff he’s putting out, so y’all should support him and go visit his page. The end!

Bella, Edward & Jacob: Twilight 3-Way

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 01.24.10 in Comics/Toons

I’ve never read any of the Twilight books or seen any of the movies, but considering that I’m a diehard ONTD-er, I might as well have… I know far too much gossip and such about Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner to even pretend to be above the whole phenomenon any longer. And can I tell you guys a secret? Um, I saw some of the pages from the soon-to-be-released Twilight graphic novel, and… I sort of want to read it now. I don’t even know why. Maybe there’s some background hypnotism going on, or maybe I’m developing Stockholm Syndrome from all the ONTD posts about the series, but… there it is. I’ve admitted it. Now, I’ll distract you with some porn! Gogo Celeb saves the day once again… sort of? Anyhow, this is a x-rated toon parody version of the New Moon movie… which basically translates to a Jacob/Bella/Edward threesome. No need to be Team anybody in particular when they’re all fucking each other anyway, I guess!

Avatar: The Last Airbender Toon Porn

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 01.14.10 in Comics/Toons

So, my love of cartoon porn and hentai has given me another show that I should probably watch… while I was making this gallery of Avatar: The Last Airbender hardcore from XL Toons, I went searching for a way to identify the characters and stumbled upon the Avatar wikia… and upon reading it, the show actually sounds pretty interesting, and I’m betting that I’ll probably like Katara the best, since, thanks to the Ferines and Walter Delques, I’m a total sucker for any sort of water magic/people… and being a girl, I always gravitate to female characters. I’ll have to report back after I’ve watched some of this show and tell you guys if I was right, in the form of another Avatar gallery, no? Anyhow, enough about me… the characters featured here are Aang, Katara, Azula, Toph Bei Fong, and Zuko (who also looks kinda cool, I have to say).

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