Pussycat Dolls Lesbian Orgy Comic

Posted on 10.17.08 1:28AM under Comics/Toons

I feel almost completely confident in making the assumption that male fans of showgirl supergroup The Pussycat Dolls are not interested in their music. I mean, come on - when it comes to six scorching hot women (especially now that the weird mannish-looking one - Carmit, or something like that - has been dropped from the lineup) who got their start doing burlesque shows who now make their living by writhing around in skimpy clothes while singing what amounts to little more than melodic innuendo… is there really any way to NOT imagine what the posse of pussycats might get up to when they’re all alone and horny on their tourbuses or in their hotel rooms? One of the artists at celebrity sex comic mecca Gogo Celeb decided to let his imagination run wild and drew a steamy set of what Nicole, Melody, Jessica, Kimberly, and Ashley get up to behind closed doors.

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