Green (Hair) Makes You Horny

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 05.21.08 in Anime/Manga

Okay, remember that old superstition that “green M&Ms make you horny” - which then got shortened to just “green makes you horny”? I was reminded of that theory earlier today, when my boyfriend was trying to get me to explain just exactly why it is that I love Sync from Tales Of The Abyss more than just about any other video game character, like ever (he finds Sync to be completely annoying). I was thinking about it, trying to put it into words, but I didn’t even really have an answer… so I just settled on the fact that he has green hair, because I’ve noticed that I tend to gravitate towards liking any anime/hentai characters that rock the green locks. And that’s what gave me the idea for this gallery - since green makes you horny, this gallery of green-haired hentai babes should be a total aphrodisiac for anyone that stumbles upon it, right? You’ll probably recognize most of these characters, and apologies in advance for skimping on the Farah Oersted hentai, it’s just because I already posted some Tales Of Eternia stuff earlier this week. Anyhow, if you decide you want to see the entire series that each of these Greenies reside in, Hentai Sugars has got you covered - they’re the source for all of these pictures.