Final Fantasy X & X-2 Hentai Collection

[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 02.06.09 in Anime/Manga

I’m still only about half-way (I think? I just got the ice/snow summon spirit for Yuna…) through Final Fantasy X, so while I recognize most of these characters, I really don’t know shit about the Paine chick from Final Fantasy X-2. Other than she apparently has humongous boobies, if these pictures are anything to go by! I think that I’ll definitely be playing X-2 after I’m finished with the first one, though, since I already love Rikku lots. But enough about me and my “Final Fantasy newbie” feelings… there’s porn to be looked at! These pictures come from Hentai Mania, which shouldn’t be too much of a shock as they’re easily one of the best-stocked hentai membership websites around. I think I’ve seen almost every popular video game/anime character that I can imagine in their member’s area… and there’s definitely plenty of Final Fantasy goodness beyond what you see in this gallery. But since X is the only one I’ve played at all, I’m going to hold out on showing you the other stuff until I actually have some idea who the fuck the characters are, haha. So keep your eyes open, or just go to Hentai Mania and look for yourself, I guess. Either way, Rikku rules, and that’s that.

More Hardcore Cowboy Bebop Hentai

[ Comments Off ] Posted on 07.23.08 in Anime/Manga

In honor of the fact that the Cowboy Bebop anime series will soon become a live-action film (helmed by Erwin Stoff, the guy who did A Scanner Darkly, I believe), I thought that I’d help whet everyone’s appetite for more Spike Spiegel goodness with some delicious Cowboy Bebop hardcore hentai, courtesy of Hentai Sugars! As predicted – since they seem to be OTP for most fans – the gallery features mostly Spike getting it on with purple-tressed space babe Faye Valentine (As a sidenote: did you know that there’s an adult model who uses that as her porn name? It’s the truth!), though Julia does make an appearance as well. Anyhow, enjoy all the Hentai Mania goodness (there’s much more to be had at their site), and start thinking about you would cast in the upcoming movie!

Answered Prayers: Oh My Goddess Hentai

[ Comments Off ] Posted on 07.01.08 in Anime/Manga

While browsing Hentai Mania, I recently noticed that they had a huge amount of content featuring characters from an anime called Oh My Goddess (also called Ah! My Goddess – apparently there’s some debate about the correct translation of the name) – I’d never seen it before, though the name was vaguely familiar, so I hit the books (well, Wikipedia, actually) to figure out exactly who these girls were. I’m definitely going to have to watch a few episodes of this, because it seems that the anime borrows a LOT from Norse mythology, which has always been an interest of mine. Combine that with a smoking hot cast of characters, and Oh My Goddess totally takes a place on my must-see list.

Hyde & Sakura Sex Scene From Dvine Luv

[ Comments Off ] Posted on 05.29.08 in Anime/Manga, Videos/Movies

I don’t know why, but anime girls with either pink or green hair tend to always be the ones who catch my eye – so it’s no surprise that I was so drawn to Dvine Luv, a hentai movie set in medieveal times that chronicles the sexual escapades & other adventures of the dashing main character, Hyde. The video clips I’ve included here are from one of the scenes where Hyde finally gets it on with his best friend, the pink-tressed beauty Sakura. There’s much more of this movie to be found – Hentai Mania has the entire hentai in its archives, available for download or even transfer to your iPod & such. But yeah, if you dig pink hair (or just quality hentai) as much as I do, then Dvine Luv is a must-see.