Tales Of Eternia Hardcore Anime Orgy
Posted on 05.14.08 12:05AM under Anime/Manga
Considering how much I adore the Tales series, it’s with great sadness that I admit to never having played Tales Of Eternia. I guess due to copywrite issues, it’s called Tales Of Destiny II here, and if anyone knows where to find it for less than SEVENTY FUCKING DOLLARS (seriously, that’s how much it runs for on eBay) - please, let me know. I’m absolutely DYING to play it, especially now that I found this gorgeous series of photos from Hentai Sugars picturing Reid, Farah, Keele, Meredy, and Chat getting down & dirty. Which is totally realistic - I mean, those long journeys, I’m sure they all have NEEDS right? Well… apparently so. Enjoy, I know I did!
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