Soi Fon: The Sexiest Stealth Force Babe
[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 09.28.09 in Anime/Manga
From the first few Bleach episodes I saw (I came in right around the beginning of the Bount filler arc), I immediately fell in love with Soi Fon. Her character design, her fighting style, her zanpakuto, her tough-girl attitude – everything about her is just so damned amazing and sexy and badass. Even now, after watching hundreds of Bleach episodes and playing all the tie-in games I can get my hands on, Soi Fon is still one of my top-tier favorite characters. In fact, to be honest, I even had a somewhat… inappropriate… dream about her last night, possibly because I fell asleep right after playing Bleach: The 3rd Phantom and I have my affinity with her really high in that game, so she’s always hanging out with my character during free time and joining me for team-up attacks… anyhow, point being, she’s hot and awesome and I decided I needed to update with a bunch of hot hentai of her (and guest star Yoruichi Shihoin) that I found in various places around the net (sources are marked on the images, but a bunch of them came from Hentai Key if you’re looking for more). Check them out and maybe you’ll be the one having erotic dreams about little miss stealth force tonight!
VIDEO: Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano
[ 0 Comments ] Posted on 09.13.09 in Comics/Toons, Videos/Movies