Tales Of Legendia: Sex On The Legacy
Posted on 03.18.09 2:59PM under Anime/Manga
I’ve been playing Tales of Legendia again recently - no surprise there, as it’s one of my all-time favorite video games - and I got to thinking… how effing lucky is Senel Coolidge? He’s got three gorgeous chicks lusting after him - Stella, Shirley, and Chloe - and he’s so dense that he hardly realizes it (well, except for Stella, obviously). Personally, I’d go for Chloe - I love the fact that she’s a tough-as-nails knight who also looks amazing in a skintight bodysuit - but Shirley definitely has her charms as well… which is probably why Walter was so hot for her. Actually, all of the Tales of Legendia ladies are pretty sexy - Norma’s cute and bubbly, and Grune is… well, Grune is a goddess. I think that about sums it up. So all this is to say… I come bearing some Legendia hentai! I’ve had it stashed on my computer for awhile, for my own personal enjoyment, and finally decided it was only fair for me to share it. Most of the sources are watermarked on the images, so credit goes where credit is due. And if you haven’t played Tales of Legendia yet - do me and its other fans a favor and buy it. You can get it used cheap on Amazon, and hopefully the more sales of its localized Tales games that Namco sees, the more we’re likely to ever see a ToL sequel or any of the DS Tales games. Also, the game rules. So, uh, yeah. Do it!
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