Hardcore DC Comic Book Babes

[ Comments Off ] Posted on 07.18.11 in Comics/Toons

I think that I’ve mentioned a few times before that I play DC Universe Online – I’ve got both hero and villain characters spread across all six of the mentors, but my favorite “beginner” mission is definitely the one that comes from Lex Luthor’s mentorship. You team up with Parasite (and his questionable fashion choices, wtf) and end up fighting Power Girl in Metropolis University. And the entire reason that I love that mission so much is because I happen to sort of adore Power Girl – and sadly, you get next to no interaction with her in the game otherwise (if you’re a hero, I don’t think you get to see her at all except as a vendor NPC – villains at least get to fight her a few times)… um, all that is to say, that as soon as I saw that this gallery of DC Universe comic babes featured my girl with her assets on full display, I knew I had to post it. It’s also got Huntress, Wonder Woman, Arrowette, Harley Quinn, Supergirl, Batgirl, and Wonder Girl, so maybe your favorite made it in too? Source is Gogo Celeb, as they’ve been knocking it out of the park with their comic book hentai (not to mention their increase in video game and anime stuff, too) lately. Loving it~