Final Fantasy X & X-2 Hentai Collection
Posted on 02.06.09 12:27PM under Anime/Manga
I’m still only about half-way (I think? I just got the ice/snow summon spirit for Yuna…) through Final Fantasy X, so while I recognize most of these characters, I really don’t know shit about the Paine chick from Final Fantasy X-2. Other than she apparently has humongous boobies, if these pictures are anything to go by! I think that I’ll definitely be playing X-2 after I’m finished with the first one, though, since I already love Rikku lots. But enough about me and my “Final Fantasy newbie” feelings… there’s porn to be looked at! These pictures come from Hentai Mania, which shouldn’t be too much of a shock as they’re easily one of the best-stocked hentai membership websites around. I think I’ve seen almost every popular video game/anime character that I can imagine in their member’s area… and there’s definitely plenty of Final Fantasy goodness beyond what you see in this gallery. But since X is the only one I’ve played at all, I’m going to hold out on showing you the other stuff until I actually have some idea who the fuck the characters are, haha. So keep your eyes open, or just go to Hentai Mania and look for yourself, I guess. Either way, Rikku rules, and that’s that.
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