Smoking Hot Mass Effect Comic Porn

Posted on 09.21.11 12:41PM under Comics/Toons

So these Mass Effect porn pictures are pretty heavy on the Miranda Lawson, but can you really blame the artist? Forgive the stale pun, but she does put the ASS in Mass Effect. I’m fairly certain that not one person who played the game did’t pause during that conversation in her office, when she gets up from her desk, and inwardly scream “DAT ASS!” – she’s got booty for days. The Gogo Celeb artist seems to be particularly fond of Miri’s loyalty armor, though there are a couple with her in the classic black-and-white Cerberus catsuit. Of course, Samara also makes a few appearances here, which is nice… as well as a sort of lulzy/hot crossover lesbian scene between Avina (the Citadel’s Asari AI chick, for those who don’t remember her) and Halo’s Cortana. All in all, a good set that totally makes me want to kick my boyfriend off of the 360 right now and go load up my Miranda-romancing ME2 save. Don’t even try to deny that a few of you are having the same thoughts =X

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