XXX-Men With Cyclops, Storm & Jean Grey

Posted on 09.01.11 7:27PM under Comics/Toons

I’m just gonna come out and say it: I think that Cyclops sucks. This may have something to do with the fact that after my introduction to the X-Men comics (one of the Legion Quest books was my first), I started grabbing the now-defunct X-Men Classics series along with my other books. One of the first turned out to be that issue where Cyclops and Storm fight for leadership of the X-Men because Scott is busy being a useless sad sack. He gets his ass summarily kicked by Storm and proceeds to do even MORE moping, and my eternal dislike for him was locked in. I’ve yet to read anything else that has made him any more tolerable; he seems so stiff and boring and waspy and prone to terrible outfits that it makes the fact that he keeps somehow attracting incredible women like Jean Grey and Emma Frost all the more puzzling. I mean, how does someone that boring manage to rank as a manwhore? It’s one of the greatest mysteries of the Marvel Universe, because I sure know that I’ve never met a female comic reader (myself included) that had any more than vague annoyance ranging to all-out hate for the guy. Um… okay, well, this probably is a really weird choice for what to write as a gallery description, but considering that these Leandro Comics feature Cyke getting it on with both Storm and Jean Grey, I sort of couldn’t hold back! He’s just so… ew. But I mean, at least Storm and Jean look super hot in these comics, so I guess I’ll forgive Leandro… even if on their main page you can see a peek of a set with Cyclops and Psylocke as well. Wait, that’s actually canon too, isn’t it? Or am I hallucinating that Psylocke went after him once? God, Cyclops must be wearing Sex Panther or Nexus or something, because wtf?!

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